What Makes a Lytic-free Thrombectomy System the First Choice for DVT Treatment?
Welcome and Introduction
Presenter: Efthymios (Makis) Avgerinos, Athens, GR
Why treat acute DVT with a lytic-free intervention?
Presenter: Efthymios (Makis) Avgerinos, Athens, GR
Does age matter for clots? Treating the full range of DVT with the ClotTriever system
Presenter: Emma Wilton, Oxford, UK
How existing and future clinical data will impact the treatment of acute
Presenter: Stephen Black, London, UK
Q&A & Discussion
All Faculty
This breakout is supported by Inari
How to Manage Patients with Venous Thromboembolism: A case-based discussion
Welcome and Introduction
Presenter: Stephen Black, London, UK
How do patients reach the lab in the acute phase?
Presenter: Stephen Black, London, UK
Why and How I treat patients with acute DVT using AngioJet™
Presenter: Stephen Black, London, UK
Real-world data led treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism with EKOS™
Presenter: Stefano Barco, Zurich, CH
Q&A and Discussion
All Faculty
This breakout is supported by Boston Scientific
Advancing PE Treatment with Computer Assisted Vacuum Thrombectomy (CAVT)
Faculty: George Chrysant, Oklahoma, US
Learning Objectives
- Discussion of latest innovations for VTE
- Review of recent clinical evidence
- Cases based discussion from clinical experience
- Introduction of latest technology with product overview
- Review of clinical evidence
- Clinical cases
This breakout is supported by Penumbra, Inc.
Exploring Endovascular Management Options: Ruby Peripheral Embolization System
Faculty: Gloria Salazar, North Carolina, US
Learning Objectives
- Review of clinical evidence
- Interactive clinical case based discussion
- Introduction of technology for embolization
- Review of clinical evidence
- Clinical cases
This breakout is supported by Penumbra, Inc.
Maintaining Options and Improving Outcomes with Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL)
Welcome and Introduction
Presenter: Thanos Saratzis, Leicester, UK
My go to strategy for treating calcified femoropopliteal disease
Presenter: Leigh Ann O’Banion, Fresno, US
Redefining technical success in calcified Iliac disease: To stent or not to stent?
Presenter: Stefano Fazzini, Rome, IT
My dependable device for difficult CLTI
Presenter: Narayanan Thulasidasan, London, UK
Faculty discussion and Q&A
Presenter: All Faculty
Presenter: Thanos Saratzis, Leicester, UK
This breakout is supported by Shockwave Medical.
Let’s Look at Treating In-Stent Restenosis
Welcome and Introduction
Presenter: August Ysa, Bizkaia, ES
Case Review; Thrombotic burden with thrombectomy; In Stent Stenosis with Atherectomy; IVUS interrogation – Mode of action and procedural results
Presenter: August Ysa, Bizkaia, ES
What is in the Data; Clinical data review
Presenter: Angelo Cioppa, Mercogliano, IT
Faculty discussion and Q&A
Presenter: All Faculty
Presenter: August Ysa, Bizkaia, ES
This breakout is supported by Boston Scientific.
Mastering IVUS for the Lower Limb: Bridging Evidence, Economics and Expertise
Presenter: Ash Patel, London, UK
From clinical outcomes to cost savings: The dual impact of IVUS in lower limb care
Presenter: Eric Secemsky, Boston, US
Follow-up discussion
Moderator: Ash Patel, London, UK
Mastering the art of IVUS: Expert techniques and real-world case analyses
Presenter: Ash Patel, London, UK & Narayanan Thulasidasan, London, UK
Follow-up discussion and audience questions
Moderator: Ash Patel, London, UK
Presenter: Ash Patel, London, UK
This breakout is supported by Philips.
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